Monday 15 February 2010

Book Fun

When finished with a brief, things can get silly

The Trains Standing at Platform 2

The Trains Standing at Platform 2.
Collaboration with- Sarah Royle, Alyson Exall, Chris Heap, Anna Glover, Claire Gregson
Brief: Take a metaphorical ‘journey’ on the theme of connections. Explore the theme as broadly as possible and remember that your journey is only limited by your own imagination and the quality of your research.

Final outcomes

Work from summer 09

A is not for apple and Z and zebra was the first project of the second year, we were asked to create a piece of work based upon our summer experiences which also had to be based around the alphabet. In July I was lucky enough to go to Thailand so I thought this would be a great opportunity to base my work around this trip. I had to visualize my summer in the most stimulating, stunning and compelling way using language, image and colour. I needed this strong idea so it would contextualize my Thailand/Bangkok theme and also entertain my audience. My final outcomes were a typeface for the city of Bangkok and also a boarding pass holder.

2nd year D&AD exhibition

Our group was called 'framed'

Monday 1 February 2010

Stonewall Campaign

We were asked to produce an eye-catching persuasive awareness campaign to encourage people to register and use their vote for the company Stonewall. We had to Remember that as a registered charity Stonewall was politically neutral. They work with all the political parties so our creative thinking must not of been biased towards one party in particular. Our Design ideas had to adaptable so that they could be utilised across a number of marketing formats to include posters, leaflets/postcards, billboards and TV. Our groups messages was that that you have no right to complain about the government if you do not vote. First we each design a postcard for the stonewall competition, then from the postcard we expanded all of our work and produced numerous peaces of work that would adapt to the brief. We wanted the British people to enjoy voting and get excited about it like the Americans do and with there global campaigns. Our main peace of work was a stop frame animation video, this consisted of all the materials used in the postcards and more. We made the movie fun to watch and to have a story behind it so that our audience would engage well to the movie and remember it. Stop frame was very time consuming, but over all very pleased and also proud of our movie for being fun, and also our other products that we made to go towards the brief.

Photography workshop, Final

Photomontage of Lomography Diana Camera.
42 Photos made into one.
I am very happy with my final peace for this workshop, it took me a long time to get to this stage but i feel this is my best peace of work for my brief.

Photography workshop, Diana camera

I went off the idea of the homage to my grand parents, and wanted to start something fresh.
I still wanted to keep the layering and collage but involving something new and different. I have been using my Diana camera to take all of these photos, and decided to turn around and take images of my vetro camera and see what the outcome would be.