Thursday 8 December 2011

Rodo Creative Limited!

It's true! Myself and Sarah are now directors of a company! ... Our company!! Rodo Creative Limited!

It all feels very real/scary but we are both excited to make a start on Rodo and get our tees out there!

I am so proud of myself and sarah, we have managed to make our dream of having Rodo come true! Only feels like last month that we were doodling ideas in lectures at Uni, and now look how far we have come :) a company name and American Apparel have said we can use there tees! Lets see what the new year will bring us next!

Monday 5 December 2011

Rodo Creative

Catch up time!

Myself and Sarah Royle have started are our design team Rodo Creative. To date we have designed tees for Topman, made catalogs, produced 15 cute and quirky christmas cards and attended the Crown and Country craft fair last week! Safe to say we have been very busy!

The plan
Our plan is still t-shirt designs, but with coming to grasp with the whole 'business' side of wholesale, we have decided to concentrate on getting some money into rodo by selling Christmas cards.
We have also signed documents with American apparel so will hopefully be getting tees printed and ready for sale january! :)

Now I have the blogger app on my phone I promise I will keep you informed and up to date with Rodo! I need to make my fellow business partner proud! :)

Here are some images of what we have achieved so far!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Iced heart

I like to do as many experiments as i can within a project, some end badly but some i love and this is one of them. I wanted the heart to become frozen and see what effects it might have. I was hoping for it to go black but instead got this beautiful ice quilt effect over the heart. I managed to get a perfect container that gives it this great ice cube shape. Really happy with these outcomes and cant wait to work on them and slap some type on!

How to show love

I don't mean hugs and kisses, i mean visually, but without using a heart symbol.
My first thought was a rose, so like the heart i dissected it and scanned it in. I got some really nice outcomes, with some nice colour patterns made by low ink.
I felt that these images would work really well with something opposite, like the heart, next to it. So i scanned in the heart and produced some beautiful, ghostly images, together they don't look opposite at all.

Thanks babe the pig

A project about the heart... lets buy one! So i did.
Thanks to mother who knows some people.. i managed to get this lovely pigs heart for 59p. The smell is unbelievable, its revolting, i had to hold my breath whilst taking these photos.
I dissected the heart and zoomed in on different sections that give it a very intriguing and some what uncomfortable feel, opposite to what a heart should do.

Opposites Attract

So my project at the moment is called Opposites Attract and i am studying the opposites of attract and repulse.
My main focus is based on the heart. We see hearts everywhere, and they are all based on the stereotypical love heart shape, i am doing the opposite and looking at a real heart.

Sunday 24 April 2011

I am alive!

It was last year when i last posted on here! :(
So now i have made a promise to myself (and sarah royle) that i will get this blog up to standard!
Like facebook, twitter, topshop and my Gmail, Blogger..... you are now as much in my life than these things! :)